Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Red Square

The commercialization of Malacca as a touristic spot has somehow dampen the true gems that can be found at this red square.

Yes, the evidence was there and is waiting to be explored yet different people would somewhat have different degree of appreciation. The clock tower for example, an important landmark built in the 1890's because people dont carry pocket watches and having a time piece at that time was considered a luxury.

Hence the existence of the clock tower, (refer to Tuesday 17 July) a common monument shared by everyone with one function: to tell the time. A wealthy businessman, Tan Swee Bee donated the fund for the construction of the clock tower and in 1982 it received a facelift. The sad thing was on the fate of the original clock, during the facelift, SEIKO sponsored the time piece and inadvertedly the original time piece had been 'misplaced'. And as usual no one would admit to this debacle.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Fountain of Youth

Every evening, people from all walk of life pass through this derelict fountain, located within the heart of the city center. On this recreational space which emphasis on horizontal design with children's sensibility in mind, we can find teenagers playing with their skateboards, friends hanging out together and sometimes lovers spotted pouring their hearts out to each other.

The scenes are pretty much normal in any other recreational space in Malaysia except for the unkept and forgotten fountain plus what used to be recreational ornaments such as web structure made of plastic for climbing and giant golf balls designed for sitting. The setting of this so-called sanctuary was shortlived and survived only several years after completion. Now, in its sorry state no one is claiming responsibility. The Mahkota Parade management, the local council and the state government failed to response to this definite site of eye sore.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Failure to communicate

Nashairi did a wonderful job capturing the dynamism of this monument, from this angle, I'm sure many can appreciate the aesthetic and the elements of design present in the work. The symmetrical design was way too apparent. It was an honest work, I think, very modest by scale and was constructed as a reminder to our day of independence. We were not in any way sophisticated at that time so we make do with this manifestation. But the question remains, why do we neglect this important object? We sidelined it, we pass over it without even blinking an eye, we allow such pathetic misgivings because we were too busy doing nothing. This is our Merdeka monument for god's sake, where is our patriotic pride? where is our love to this country? If the symbol of our independence was not being attended to, then do we expect our freedom as Malaysian would be safeguarded and upheld righteously.

Look at the visitors passing by, they were not there to appreciate the monument, in fact they didnt even notice the significant of this site. What they were really after were the central air conditioning inside the Mall.

The Location: 2°11' 29.31"N, 102°15' 01.17"E

Malacca oh Malacca

This is an aerial view of the Malacca city centre and the red line drawing was the projected walls of the A Famosa Fort. 1708 witnessed William Farquhar, the then English resident of Malacca blasts every single wall of the Fort except the one at the most southern part, The Porta de Santiago. At the last hour before the final bombing of the remaining gate, somebody of his higher ranking interferes. Stamford Raffles gave an order for him to preserve the gateway as a reminder of history.
Not many people appreciate this leftover monument, some were too disgusted with the imperialists greedy take over and propagated destruction of the present gateway but majority of the people in Malaysia agreed that eventhough the fort brings bad memories and marked permanently on our once fatal mistakes of failing to defend our once prosper nation.

The most photographed site, the A Famosa.

Wooden sculpture

A tripod is an excellent creation, it encompasses stability, precision and deals mostly on technical superiority. However, when an artist were given the liberty to exploit this everyday form, the results sometimes could be startling and even eye candy to some. The understanding of material and processing it into a work of art is no easy task.

Sculpture made of wood wouldnt last and wouldnt stand the test of time, but come to think of it, what other things would?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The most visited

(The Clock Tower - built in the late 20th century)

(Victoria Fountain - adjacent to the clock tower)

Both monuments received countless visits from tourists all over and are amongst the most photographed sites in Malacca. The top ranking monument as in the most visited, the most photographed and the most significant - The Santiago Gateway, Porta de Santiago, the remaining gateway of the A Famosa city built in 1512 by Portuguese Admiral Alfonso de Alburqueque.

Yeah! Gems, gems...

Amongst top work found in the exhibition

Monday, July 16, 2007

1st part

Fascinating Melaka - the review

The numbers were staggering, some 60 individual paintings of varying qualities, all denotes some sense of contribution to Malacca. The idea was simple, come up with a thematic artwork that would reflect on Malacca as a fascinating state. Let's talk about several things before we swim deep into the core subject.

The venue:

Bastion House, the space offers great possibilities, high ceiling and all but the display panels were much to be desired for and the overall design of the exhibition seems placid and very homely. Clearly style and flair was never on the exhibitor's mind. The space was not utilised as creatively as one should. It seems like the exhibition was not intended for good curatorial treatment. One would be forgiven if associating this kind of exhibition with the one in Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) where yet another Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) exhibition thrive.

The paintings:

Undeniably, there are some exceptional paintings, like Sham Ahmad's narrative piece (the most bottom pix) on Malacca river reminiscing of Zulkifli Dahalan's style and approach but with a more colourful tongue in cheek presentation. The iconic river and its significance in mapping out most of the adult Malaysians state of mind whenever the subject of Malacca came to question. Inspect it closely and you would be suprised to the detailings via humour that he had manifest through this piece. Another good one was from the veteran Abd Rafiee Abd Rahman (red river) who boldly painted Malacca all over with red, some would say that it was already too late for him to adopt such style at his current bearings but to me, I somehow could feel the rush and excitement from the bloody river.

Where as for the rest, such mediocre outings, it's sad that most of you were pretty occupied to interpret Malacca as JUST some pretty pictures with no soul and lust within it. What you guys were offering can be surmised into one word : FARCICAL. I could not feel anything and also could not cope with the plain insensitive mind who execute their work just for the sake of it.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Let the Bloody River Flow!

As seen the masterpiece displayed above, the River-in-Red, which portrait The Malacca River, a well known seaport, where people fish, trade, travel, get together, party here. Wishing that the "blood" that flow in the vain of The Malacca River, can keep-on flow without obstacle.

So, Let the river flow!

Developments, constructions, civilization, modernization, etc, are such BIG words that reflecting economy, living standard, wealth. BUT... nature, environment, peace, tranquil, can be easily eliminated by those words. The Malacca River began to bleed, the colour become reddish.

And so, let the bloody river flow!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fascinating Melaka

Why people tend to be daft and unimaginative is beyond my comprehension. Take, Malacca for example, was this state too sterile? hence lack in culture and historical values?
or was it because the artists assigned to interpret the qualities attributed to malacca were too lazy to think?
These thoughts linger. (click on image to enlarge)